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Common Interview Questions

It's really important to be prepared to respond effectively to the typical interview questions employers ask at job interviews. To help you practice before your interview, we've put together a list of some questions you can expect to be asked!

  1. Tell me about yourself. This is such a simple yet tricky question to answer. You need to make sure your answer provides relevant information to job you are seeking, while also providing some of your personal interests which don't relate directly to work. The goal of this question is allow the interviewer to get to know you a little better, while staying on track.

  2. Why do you want this job? This question gives you an opportunity to show the interviewer what you know about the job and the company. Be specific about what makes you a good fit for this role, and mention aspects of the company and position that appeal to you.

  3. What is your greatest strength/ greatest weakness? These are some of the more common questions employers like to ask. The correct response for a strength should ideally be an attribute that will qualify you for the specific job and set you apart from the other candidates. Answering your greatest weakness is a little bit tricker. The goal that most employers are trying to achieve with this question—beyond identifying any major red flags—is to gauge your self-awareness and honesty. Try to identify something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve on. This will instantly set you apart from other candidates.

  4. Where do you see yourself in five years? You should be honest and specific about your future goals, but remember a hiring manager wants to figure out a few things from your response. First they want to see if you are able to set realistic expectations for your career and if you have ambition. They also want to see if this position and company aligns with your goals.

  5. Describe a difficult work situation and how you overcame it. The interviewer wants to get an idea of how you handle various situations and what your decision making and thought process is like. It’s not so much about the situation but rather how you face challenges and move forward. Definitely be prepared to share an example of what you did in a tough situation in a work environment.

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