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Career News

We scour the internet daily to bring you the latest in job opportunities, career advice and trends, company news, negotiation tips, salary statistics and so much more. We want you to be informed of all the ways you could start a new career or how advance in the one you currently have.
This is the one thing you should always say in a job interview

This is the one thing you should always say in a job interview

You've submitted your resume, made it past the preliminary round, and now you've been asked to come in for an interview. Congrats! You're now part of a small group of qualified individuals all gunning for the same position, so how are you going to make sure that you're the one that ...

6 ways to get rich without earning a six-figure salary

6 ways to get rich without earning a six-figure salary

You don't need to earn a six-figure salary in order to get rich! You just need time, patience, and a solid investing strategy. As more parts of the financial services sector become automated, investing is becoming more accessible to the average person. Here's how you can get rich even if ...

5 Money Moves That Will Help You Retire Early

5 Money Moves That Will Help You Retire Early

Even if you love your job, it's safe to say you probably don't want to be working forever. At some point in time, you'll want to enjoy the fruits of your labor, right? In order to do that, you'll need to start putting some money aside for retirement, and with the help of this guide ...

Seven jobs you can do from home for more than $75,000

Seven jobs you can do from home for more than $75,000

With more industries continuing to embrace new technology and the rise of freelance work, there are a number of interesting, high-paying jobs that allow you to work from home. Check out these seven work-from-home jobs that can get you a minimum of $75,000 a year!

Become More Resilient for Greater Career Security

Become More Resilient for Greater Career Security

There's no denying that the working world is changing rapidly these days, and in order to stay relevant and on top of your game, you'll have to be ready to change with it. The amount of time people spend at one job has been significantly reduced in recent years as workers jump from ...

How To Turn Low Unemployment Into A Raise

How To Turn Low Unemployment Into A Raise

Whenever unemployment rates drop, your value as an employee begins to rise! Due to the fact that there are fewer qualified individuals in the job market, employers prioritize retaining their current skilled employees. So what does this mean for you? Depending on your position, you can use the ...

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